Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Building an adsense business With Free Blogs

When I first started out with adsense, I had little money to spare on web hosting, and I knew nothing about how to get a site ranked in the search engines or to generate traffic. It took a lot of work, reading, experimenting and failure before I discovered great ways to build my adsense business.
I feel like it’s about time that I paid back to the community for all of the knowledge and help that I received along the way. Hopefully this post will help you get started in the adsense business even if you have little or no money to spare but desperately want to try your hand at it.
Normally Google won’t approve adsense applications for free websites, but there is one exception. So if you're short on cash for hosting and are eager to get started, you might give this a try.
Blogger.com Blogs
Not long after Google bought Blogger.com, they made adsense available to Blogger blog owners. Blogger is great because it has an easy interface, Google and Yahoo crawl the blogs quickly, and best of all if you're broke--they're free, and Google loves to give out adsense accounts to Blogger owners. :)
So if you're looking to get started with adsense and not spend much money, Blogger is a great way to get started.
Before I talk about how to setup a Blogger blog for adsense, though, let me tell you what an RSS feed is and how it works. If you already know this you can skip ahead. I make reference to this in the setup instructions, so it’s important to understand.
An RSS feed (as it applies to a blog) is basically a list of all of the recent posts made to your blog. People can use “RSS Aggregators” (software that continually checks up on your RSS feed to see if there’s anything new) to keep up with new posts on your blog. Websites will also want to publish your RSS feed on their sites if your content is good. This gives them fresh content for their visitors. And we all know that content is King in the world of website building.
Blogger blogs come with an RSS feed built-in, and you can use this to your advantage to generate traffic to your blog. I’ll discuss that in a bit, but first let’s get into building the blog.

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